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Author: stevencovert
Last Updated: 2012-01-17
Package Version:
Category: Internal MCU modules
Downloaded: 2092 times
Followed by: 1 user
License: MIT license
Download [176.76KB]Example of setting up and decoding a command based interface - e.g.
sending 'ADC?' returns it's value. Can easily be adapted to any ASCII based interface you wish. The UART.C file decodes the command, determines if it is SET or GET (setting or getting the value) and implements it.
Author: stevencovert
Last Updated: 2012-01-17
Package Version:
Category: Internal MCU modules
Downloaded: 1427 times
Followed by: 1 user
License: MIT license
Download [39.31KB] This was my solution to storing data in EEPROM at specific
memory locations, and having to break up LONGs,INTs, etc.;
only to remap everything when I added another value to store.
Example code to move large amounts of memory to/from
EEPROM easily, using a ONE-BYTE at a time method (doesn't
work with FLASH if #bytes > sector).
Author: VCC
Last Updated: 2011-08-18
Package Version:
Category: Internal MCU modules
Downloaded: 1162 times
Followed by: 3 users
License: MIT license
Download [159.67KB]Library for accessing the PIC18FxxJ50 internal RTCC. The library should be compatible with other PICs with same RTCC.
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