We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]
Author: dany
Last Updated: 2019-11-15
Package Version:
Category: USB
Downloaded: 4433 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
Download [5.21MB]Library for making an USB host capable of reading and writing sectors from/to USB memory sticks ("USB drives" or "pen drives").To read/write actual files from/to the USB memory stick you need still e.g. a Fat16 or Fat32 library (see example).
[learn more]Author: Shawon Shahryiar
Last Updated: 2016-12-31
Package Version:
Category: Light control
Downloaded: 1592 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
Download [21.65KB]Author: Shawon Shahryiar
Last Updated: 2016-12-28
Package Version:
Category: Light control
Downloaded: 761 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
Download [5.82KB]This is basically an upgrade of an older post "Driving Adafruit's Neopixel (WS2812) Strip with AVR's Hardware SPI" (http://libstock.mikroe.com/projects/view/1953/driving-adafruit-s-neopixel-ws2812-strip-with-avr-s-hardware-spi) with circular ring-based WS2812 chain.
Please note this is not an Arduino project.
Last Updated: 2016-11-30
Package Version:
Category: Communication
Downloaded: 353 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
Download [82.13KB]This code demonstrates how to use onewire library with DS18x2x devices to extract the 64 bit ROM : 8bit CRC | 48bit SERIAL | 8bit Family and output the results on the UART1 as follows :
DS_ROM = xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx
DS_CRC = xx
DS_Family = xx --> If 10 --> DS1820 If 28 --> DS18B20 If 22 --> DS1822.
Author: Arezki YOUYOU
Last Updated: 2016-11-18
Package Version:
Category: Communication
Downloaded: 376 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
Download [499.79KB]This library allows you to send your message in Morse (alphabet), by Transforming your message in words into a Morse signal, which can be a light signal using LEDs or lamps.
this Library work with all Microcontrollers supported by MikroC IDE
It can save your life someday :)
Author: Shawon Shahryiar
Last Updated: 2016-11-16
Package Version:
Category: Light control
Downloaded: 1187 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
Download [4.78KB]When it comes to driving WS2812 smart RGB LEDs the most difficult task is to overcome the extremely low timed time-slotting protocol as the LEDs don't have SPI/I2C/UART interface. One smart way to overcome this issue is to use the MOSI of hardware SPI at high speed. Please note though Arduino Nano is used, this is not an Arduino-based project.
[learn more]Author: Bitahwa Bindu
Last Updated: 2016-11-08
Package Version:
Category: Communication
Downloaded: 1091 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
Download [3.02MB]In this article we are going to design a Graphical User Interface using C#. The computer will connect to the microcontroller using an RS232 serial cable. The PIC microcontroller will receive commands from the computer to control devices connected to it such as motors, LEDs etc.
Author: Aar Sofronix
Last Updated: 2016-10-27
Package Version:
Category: Communication
Downloaded: 577 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
Download [28.77KB]1. This library is for 8051 serial communication.
2. Using this library will leave you with negligible amount of coding efforts for serial communication initialization and sending/receiving data.
3. Offers extremely small size of lines of code related to serial communication.
Author: Ercan Koçlar
Last Updated: 2016-09-04
Package Version:
Category: Communication
Downloaded: 1471 times
Followed by: 1 user
License: MIT license
04.09.2016 - bug fix - değişkenlerin mevcut sayısından az sayıya sahip crc hesaplamalarında verinin 1. biti 0 oldugunda karşılaşılan sorunlar çözüldü
Author: dany
Last Updated: 2016-09-09
Package Version:
Category: Communication
Downloaded: 511 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
Download [750.98KB]The purpose of this project is to provide an interface between an “old†analog joystick (in this case a joystick from Quickshot with 2 buttons and an X and Y positioning), connected via a game port (DB15 connector) and a PC via USB.
[learn more]