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Author: dany
Last Updated: 2016-02-18
Package Version:
Category: Other Codes
Downloaded: 2267 times
Followed by: 1 user
License: MIT license
Libaries are:
- "MemManager_": simple memory manager making dynamic variables possible in mP (procedures GetMem and FreeMem available), and
- "Eepromvariable": Procedures/functions that write and read the content of any type of variable to/from the internal PIC Eeprom.
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1422297430_memory_mikropascal_pic.mpkg [113.43KB] | mikroPascal PRO for PIC |
1422297446_memory_other_pic.zip [110.14KB] | Other PIC Compilers |
1422297459_memory_mikrobasic_pic.mpkg [113.04KB] | mikroBasic PRO for PIC |
- EepromVariable: Procedures/functions that write and read the content of any type of variable to/from the internal PIC Eeprom.
- MemManager_: simple memory manager making dynamic variables possible in mP (procedures GetMem and FreeMem available).
The zipfile has the same content as the package.
Have fun!
--> The P16 libaries have been added. <--
2012-06-08: The help section in the package and zip file has been updated.
2012-11-12: The microBasic package(s) ha(s)(ve) been added.
the .mcl files are available as "library" files: they are copied from
the mikroPascal version (the mP and mB .mcl files are compatible -
luckely - ).
If you want to see some sources: look into the mP versions.
The example files are still in mP, not in mB. (I do not have an mB licence, so I can not compile them).
Some of the helpfiles are also still referring to mP, but all library "interfaces" are available in the mB language.
2013-01-26: Replaced "Delay_ms" and "Delay_us" by routines available in the Delays lib.
and "Delay_us" are inline routines and cannot be used in libraries if
they are to be used without source (e.g. non Pascal compilers).
2014-03-13: The mikroBasic files and zip files have been updated. All mB sources are present now (not tested if compilable though).
2015-01-26: Replaced the mB files: all mB files are compilable now (which e.g. means that all "with" statements are dealt with). I could however not link and test the libraries (no mB licence).