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Sorting out the Logarithmic Scale for the Volume Control for SMART_MP3 Click



Author: Dick Berry

Last Updated: 2014-07-13

Package Version:


Category: Audio & Speech

Downloaded: 404 times

Not followed.

License: MIT license  

Here is a spreadsheet with the volume control numbers for a 0 to 11 scale translated to the 0 - 255 controls of the Smart_MP3. It's a simple LOG10 scale but that approximates the true LOG scale close enough.

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Example Blog

This is a XL spreadsheet for a LOG10 Volume control Scale. I used 0 to 11 as a level scale because it's part of my Camper Light Control project, but you could easily modify the sheet for any scale you choose. The formula is documented as well as in the cells. Here are two links to papers I referenced while researching this subject.


BTW I expect I will have to modify the final numbers depending on the amplifier and speaker I will be using, but the progression is pretty true. I also had to change the value of 1 to 1.1 to avoid a log of 0 which didn't help in the volume control scheme.




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