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Article: Ram corruption reasons in mP and mB



Author: dany

Last Updated: 2018-08-02

Package Version:


Category: Other Codes

Downloaded: 702 times

Not followed.

License: MIT license  

Purpose: Make people aware about the ways of working that can introduce ram corruption
(and of course how to avoid it). In this document the many ways where it goes right are not mentioned, only the danger areas are highlighted.

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Purpose of this article: Make people aware about the ways of working that can introduce ram corruption (and of course how to avoid it). In this document the many ways where it goes right are not mentioned, only the danger areas are highlighted.  

The document in .pdf format

Please forward your suggestions or additions via the "comments" tab. The article is most possible not complete. All suggestions are wellcome!

2014-08-12: Added a few items: - no terminating zero in a string - "SizeOf" usage with "external" items.

2014-08-21: Added the mikroBasic examples...

2014-08-26: small addition into the "non terminating a string with zero" part...

2014-12-07 (v2.0): added a nasty one:  passing e.g. a byte as var parameter where a word parameter was expected and assigning a value to it inside the procedure.

2015-06-06: added again a nasty one: using '+' to concatenate a string passed to a function as parameter, see Jim Keuneman!

2015-06-09: Updated the document again: added the "StrnCpy" issue and the concat (with +) issue for a var string + a const string.

2015-07-10: Added some "tips" (thanks Acko).




Several libraries for Fat16 and Fat32: - Fat16Dir (findfirst, findnext) (only P18) - Fat16DirLFN (Fat16Dir for long filenames) (only P18) - Fat32_,1 Fat32_2; single and multiple Fat32 device(s) for P18, PIC24, dsPIC and PIC32 - IDE for P18, PIC24 and dsPIC.

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Tool: PIC uart to USB interface


Converts PIC level Uart signals to USB in both directions. This project is meant for use with PC's that do not have an RS232 interface any more. It makes it possible to handle the pic uart signals with a PC without an RS232 interface.

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Package with "Expander" librarie(s). For now only 1 library is there: PCF8574(A). The documentation for the (SPI) expanders 74HCT165 (input expander) and 74HCT595 (output expander) is added.

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