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Library LCD Manchester



Author: FOURNET Olivier

Last Updated: 2016-02-19

Package Version:


Category: LCD

Downloaded: 923 times

Followed by: 2 users

License: MIT license  

LCD Library using the code Manchester as a transmission medium orders

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Example Blog

Manchester LCD library

Manchester LCD library

Manchester LCD library

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LCD Library using the code Manchester as a transmission medium orders

This Example contains a code using the Library Manchester LCD and simulation on proteus. Fonction of library :

- Send_Manchester_TXT(row, column, out_char)

- Send_Manchester_CMD(out_char)

- Manchester_Lcd_Out(row, column, text)

- Manchester_Lcd_Chr(row, column, out_char)

- Manchester_Lcd_Cmd(out_char)

P.S :

Tested in Proteus, not tested in reality.

If the transmitter has a Quartz-frequency 8MHz and 4MHz Quartz a receiver.

Then observed synchronization problems, multiple reset are necessary to arrive at a synchronysation (thus it will not work independently).

It is therefore recommend to have the same-frequency quartz so that everything works automatically.


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