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Author: MIKROE
Last Updated: 2016-02-19
Package Version:
Category: Motor Control
Downloaded: 1322 times
Followed by: 3 users
License: MIT license
This is a simple demonstration of using nRF and Stepper click boards for wirelessly controlling the stepper motor. Master module sends command to the slave (ON, OFF, DIRECTION, 1 step, 1/2 step, 1/4 step and 1/8 step). Upon reception, slave processes this command and drives stepper motor.
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1414595458_wireless_stepper_mikroc_arm.rar [204.10KB] | mikroC PRO for ARM |
Features mikromedia Plus for STM32, clicker 2 For STM32, nRF C click and Stepper click board.
View full imageThis is a simple demonstration of using nRF and Stepper click boards for wirelessly controlling the stepper motor. The master nRF24LO1P is on the mikromedia+ for STM32. The touch-screen interface on the board allows you to choose to drive the motor clockwise or counter-clockwise, in full-, half-, quarter- and eighth-step modes. The commands are received by the slave module on nRF C click that drives the motor via stepper click.
This fine and demanding project was developed by Ivan Palijan, one of our interns.