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Author: maytere maytere
Last Updated: 2016-04-27
Package Version:
Category: Graphics & LCD
Downloaded: 1377 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
This is a library for using popular NOKIA 3310-5110 display with STM32 microcontrollers. Also it includes an example code too.
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1461690372_nokia_3310_5110__mikroc_arm.mpkg [71.00KB] | mikroC PRO for ARM |
At the head of your code you must declare these definitions; // NOKIA 3310 PCD8544 PIN DEFS
sbit nok_res at GPIOx_ODR.Bx;
sbit nok_sce at GPIOx_ODR.Bx;
sbit nok_dc at GPIOx_ODR.Bx;
sbit nok_sdin at GPIOx_ODR.Bx;
sbit nok_sclk at GPIOx_ODR.Bx;
// End of NOKIA 3310 PCD8544 PIN DEFS
This library includes these functions:
NOKIA_Init(); // Init function of PCD8544 (Before using init function user must set GPIO pins which are used by this library as digital outputs.)
NOKIA_Chr(2,5,'X'); // Put 'X' letter 2. row, 5. column of LCD. There are 6 rows and 14 columns available.
NOKIA_Clear(); // Clear LCD
NOKIA_Out(3,6, "MikroE"); // Print string 3. row, 6. column
NOKIA_Image(mikro_bmp); // Print an image whole LCD (image's array length must be 504 bytes)
NOKIA_Partial_Image(3,38,30,60,asd_bmp); // Print a partial image on 3rd row, 38th pixel of LCD. Image's x_length is 30 pixels and image array has 60 bytes.