TOP Contributors

  1. MIKROE (2693 codes)
  2. Alcides Ramos (362 codes)
  3. Shawon Shahryiar (307 codes)
  4. jm_palomino (112 codes)
  5. Bugz Bensce (90 codes)
  6. S P (73 codes)
  7. dany (71 codes)
  8. MikroBUS.NET Team (35 codes)
  9. NART SCHINACKOW (34 codes)
  10. Armstrong Subero (27 codes)

Most Downloaded

  1. Timer Calculator (137949 times)
  2. FAT32 Library (70758 times)
  3. Network Ethernet Library (56444 times)
  4. USB Device Library (46825 times)
  5. Network WiFi Library (42586 times)
  6. FT800 Library (41785 times)
  7. GSM click (29468 times)
  8. mikroSDK (27020 times)
  9. PID Library (26661 times)
  10. microSD click (25797 times)
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mikroSDK Library

Accel 3 click



Author: MIKROE

Last Updated: 2018-11-07

Package Version:

mikroSDK Library:

Category: Motion

Downloaded: 6072 times

Not followed.

License: MIT license  

Accel 3 click – board with H3LIS331DL high-g 3-axis digital accelerometer | MikroElektronika

Accel 3 click is a mikroBUS add-on board with ST’s H3LIS331DL low-power high-g 3-axis digital accelerometer. The IC has ±100g/±200g/±400g dynamically selectable full scales and outputs 16-bit data at rates from 0.5 Hz to 1 kHz.

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mikroSDK Library Blog

Accel 3 click

Accel 3 click

Native view of the Accel 3 click board.

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Accel 3 Click

Accel 3 Click

Front and Back view of Accel 3 Click Board.

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