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Author: Alcides Ramos
Last Updated: 2016-06-19
Package Version:
Category: Motor Control
Downloaded: 1127 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
This code shows three ways to control a quadrature encoder, with interrupt and whitout interrupt
1466313680_quadrature_encod_mikroc_pic.rar [191.36KB] | mikroC PRO for PIC |
I2C LIBRARY BY HARWDARE NON-BLOCKING, Show how pass my mikroc I2C library to mplab xc8 video: https://youtu.be/dnLLRh24W4I
[Learn More]use the atomic mode to charge port in stm32, debbuger mode Video: https://youtu.be/M_7bO_o8YBg
[Learn More]this it the basic program that i use for connect the gm862 modems to recive, send textmenssages, and conect to server via gprs.
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