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  2. Alcides Ramos (392 codes)
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XPT2046 12-bit SAR ADC Demo



Author: Shawon Shahryiar

Last Updated: 2016-08-03

Package Version:

Category: Measurement

Downloaded: 765 times

Not followed.

License: MIT license  

XPT2046 is a well-known resistive touch controller IC. It is based on a 12-bit SAR ADC. It can be used in differential and single-ended modes. When used in single-ended mode we can use it just like regular ADCs. This example demonstrates how to use it in single-ended mode. Four analog channels measure four different sensors.

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XPT2046 12-bit SAR ADC Demo

XPT2046 12-bit SAR ADC Demo

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XPT2046 12-bit SAR ADC Demo

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XPT2046 12-bit SAR ADC IC

XPT2046 12-bit SAR ADC IC

XPT2046 12-bit SAR ADC Demo

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XPT2046 12-bit SAR ADC Demo

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XPT2046 12-bit SAR ADC Demo

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