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Author: Antonio Poggi
Last Updated: 2017-01-15
Package Version:
Category: TFT
Downloaded: 814 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
Tool to create the resource file (.RES) to be loaded on the microSD or to import into the source C code.
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1484497638_resources_creato_other_other.rar [344.50KB] | Other Compiler |
Resources Creator is a graphic application for Windows.
It allows you to create the resource files to be loaded on microSD.
With Resources Creator you can create fonts, you can decide the width
of each character, you can manipulate the character as you wish, you can modify them:
black pixels: click left button on mouse;
white pixels: shift key + click left button on mouse.
You can import each windows system fonts and decide
which characters you want to consider (32..255 range).
Resources Creator exports the font in .RESDATA format.
(See application Aleksandar Vukelic: http://libstock.mikroe.com/projects/view/1479/vtft-resource-editor)
It exports .LCD format (see MIKROE GLCD Font Creator).
It exports the .C format by paste in your source code.
Resources Creator saves your fonts in a .FONT database.
With Resources Creator you can import BITMAP images in different formats:
2 colors for monochrome displays and TFT display (the picture is drawn very quickly)
16 colors for TFT display (the image is drawn quickly)
256 colors for TFT display (the image is drawn in a fairly short time)
24bits colors for TFT display.
Resources Creator exports the bitmap image in the .RESDATA format
respecting and maintaining the number of colors,
It also exports the format for the FT800 graphics controller,
It exports the .C format by paste in your source code.
Resources Creator imports the fonts and images in the .RESDATA format,
to create a single .RES file that can be loaded on the microSD.
It also provides the declarations to be included in the source code,
with the absolute address of each graphical object (fonts and bitmap)
present at the inside of .RES file.
Resources Creator is simple to use and very intuitive.
Thank to Aleksandar Vukelic, who with his applications "VTFT Resource Editor" and
"CP Font Generator", I was inspired to realize Resources Creator.
Use it and have fun.
Any suggestion is well accepted.