TOP Contributors

  1. MIKROE (2784 codes)
  2. Alcides Ramos (392 codes)
  3. Shawon Shahryiar (307 codes)
  4. jm_palomino (123 codes)
  5. Bugz Bensce (97 codes)
  6. S P (73 codes)
  7. dany (71 codes)
  8. MikroBUS.NET Team (35 codes)
  9. NART SCHINACKOW (34 codes)
  10. Armstrong Subero (27 codes)

Most Downloaded

  1. Timer Calculator (140535 times)
  2. FAT32 Library (73023 times)
  3. Network Ethernet Library (58026 times)
  4. USB Device Library (48212 times)
  5. Network WiFi Library (43821 times)
  6. FT800 Library (43293 times)
  7. GSM click (30354 times)
  8. mikroSDK (28984 times)
  9. PID Library (27115 times)
  10. microSD click (26717 times)
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SPI T6963C Examples



Author: MIKROE

Last Updated: 2018-02-19

Package Version:


Category: Graphics & LCD

Downloaded: 440 times

Not followed.

License: MIT license  

Examples shows simple use of SPI T6963C Library

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Example Blog

The Toshiba T6963C is a very popular Lcd controller for the use in small graphics modules. It is capable of controlling displays with a resolution up to 240x128. Because of its low power and small outline it is most suitable for mobile applications such as PDAs, MP3 players or mobile measurement equipment. Although small, this contoller has a capability of displaying and merging text and graphics and it manages all the interfacing signals to the displays Row and Column drivers.

The library provides routines for working with Glcds based on Toshiba T6963C controller via SPI interface.


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