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Author: VOUFO Astri
Last Updated: 2022-04-17
Package Version:
Category: Light control
Downloaded: 2118 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
This package is used to drive seven segment display and 8X8 dot matrix with SPI1 hardware modul .
- you can print posiitive or negative integer number on the seven segment display
-You can print negative or positive floating number on the seven segment dsplay
-You can print character on seven segment display
-you can print text , scroll text, invert screen, adjust brigthness...on 8X8 dot matrix
-you can use until eight cascading 8X8 dot matrix
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1650191750__hardware_spi__m_mikroc_dspic.mpkg [227.64KB] | mikroC PRO for dsPIC30/33 & PIC24 |
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