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Author: Ebrahim Rahmanian
Last Updated: 2018-12-19
Package Version:
Category: Graphics & LCD
Downloaded: 192 times
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License: MIT license
All in One - 7 function and sub 7seg Lib in avr :)
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1545175481_all_in_one___7_f_mikroc_avr.rar [50.17KB] | mikroC PRO for AVR |
//|1.add "7SegLib.h","7SegLib.c" to Project |
//|2.include "7SegLib.h" in project |
//|3.Call SevenSeg_init |
//|4.Enjoy! |
//|Mana Research Group© |
//|Simple lib for 7Seg |
//|Ver : 950105_1 (2016/01/24) |
//|Ebrahim Rahmanian www.Mikroc.ir |
void SevenSeg_init(char SevenSegType_1CommonAnoth0CommonCathode,char *a_Port,char a_PinNum,char *b_Port,char b_PinNum,char *c_Port,char c_PinNum,char *d_Port,char d_PinNum,
char *e_Port,char e_PinNum,char *f_Port,char f_PinNum,char *g_Port,char g_PinNum,char *p_Port,char p_PinNum);
void SevenSeg_AllSegOff();
void SevenSeg_SetValueNumber(char Value0_9,char P_on1_Off0);
void SevenSeg_SetValueAsciiChar(char Value_0123456789AbCcdEeFgHhIJLOoPqSUuy,char P_on1_Off0);
void SevenSeg_SetSpecialValue(char SpecialCode);
char SevenSeg_CreateSpecialCode(char a_On1_OFF0,char b_On1_OFF0,char c_On1_OFF0,char d_On1_OFF0,char e_On1_OFF0,char f_On1_OFF0,char g_On1_OFF0,char p_On1_OFF0);
char SevenSeg_GetValue();