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Author: Armstrong Subero
Last Updated: 2019-03-17
Package Version:
Category: Timers (Real time clock)
Downloaded: 235 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
This example demonstrates how to use the RTCC module of the PIC32 microcontroller with the XC32 compiler.
1552787716_pic32_rtcc_other_pic32.zip [82.99KB] | Other PIC32 Compilers |
This example demonstrates how to read to and write from the MPU6050 IMU including raw gyroscope and accelerometer data as well as gyroscope calibration, gyroscope readings in radians/s and accelerometer readings in G's as well as the Madgwick filter algorithm for obtaining quaternion values. This example does not utilize the onboard DMP.
[Learn More]This example demonstrates how to use the SPI module of the PIC32 microcontroller using the XC32 compiler.
[Learn More]This example demonstrates how to use the SSD1306 OLED using the PIC32 microcontroller and XC32 compiler.
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