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Author: Bugz Bensce
Last Updated: 2019-11-07
Package Version:
Category: Timers (Real time clock)
Downloaded: 454 times
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License: MIT license
DS3232 I2C based Real Time Clock with PIC16F877 and Character LCD.
1573113373_ds3232_i2c_based_other_pic_other_pic.zip [385.29KB] | Other PIC Compilers |
DS3232 I2C based Real Time Clock with PIC16F877 and Character LCD.
View full imageHardware i2c based Real Time Clock with PIC16F887 MCU with HD4470 Character LCD as output.
[Learn More]Demonstrates how an external Interrupt with PIC microcontroller operates.
[Learn More]DS1307 Real Time Clock pared with 7 Segment display driven by Max7219
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