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Author: MIKROE
Last Updated: 2016-02-19
Package Version:
Category: CAN / LIN / RS485
Downloaded: 18155 times
Followed by: 5 users
License: MIT license
CANculator is a software development tool used for easier CAN baud rate calculation and manipulation of the CAN bus parameters.
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1372145497_canculator__other_other.zip [265.48KB] | Other Compiler |
CANculator is a software development tool used for easier CAN baud rate calculation and manipulation of the CAN bus parameters.
This software generates source code compatible with mikroElektronika Compilers (mikroC, mikroPascal and mikroBasic) and for all compiler supported architectures (PIC, dsPIC30, dsPIC33, PIC24, PIC32, AVR and ARM). Using this tool you can start creating CAN based communications much faster and easier.
- CANculator offers an intuitive interface and component based embedded application development.
- Modern and User-Oriented IDE.
- Support for the following microcontroller architectures: PIC, dsPIC30, dsPIC33, PIC24, AVR, ARM - STM, ARM - Stellaris.
- Support for MikroElektronika CANSPI communication board (http://www.mikroe.com/eng/products/view/129/canspi-board).
- Suport for MikroElektronika CAN SPI Click 5V board (http://www.mikroe.com/eng/products/view/814/can-spi-click-5v/).
- CANculator generates source codes for mikroC, mikroBasic and microPascal compilers.
- Autosave on closing.
New Version (
- Frequency up to 200MHz.
- Minor bugs fixed.
- The number of modules depends of the chosen device. For a specific number of CAN modules on a chip consult datasheet for that microcontroller.
- For ARM - STM microcontroller family set appropriate value for APB low-speed prescaler (APB1) in Edit Project dialog. Example: MCU Clock = 72MHz, APB1 = 2, CAN (APB1) Clock = 36MHz. CAN (APB1) Clock = MCU Clock / APB1.
- .Net 3.5 framework
Next images demonstrate how can you add this tool to mikroE IDEs.
Use F12 to open Options menu, and then select Tools.
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