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Author: Philippe Jacobs
Last Updated: 2012-06-21
Package Version:
Category: USB
Downloaded: 1169 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
This display weather application use an USB connection to display informations on MikroMMB for PIC18FJ ( rev 1.05 ).
The MMB application receive information and display it on the TFT.
The PC application ( Visual C# Express ) displays an icon on the taskbar, right click on this icon for configuration's choices.
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1340298727_weather_mikroc_pic.zip [716.24KB] | mikroC PRO for PIC |
The ZIP file contain two directories. The MMB directory contains the Mikromedia code. The PC directory contains Visual C# code, the executable is located at PC\Weather\Weather\bin\release.
When running, the executable display an icon ( easily identifiable ), right click on this icon to see the configuration menu.
Cette application utilise la liaison USB pour transférer des informations météo sur la carte MikroMMB.