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Article: Record Member alignment for PIC24/dsPIC and PIC32



Author: dany

Last Updated: 2021-06-13

Package Version:


Category: Internal MCU modules

Downloaded: 170 times

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License: MIT license  

Describes how record members are stored internally in their records, and what problems to expect if that is not taken into account.

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Example Blog

A while ago I ran into a problem related to variable alignment. I tried to read in the data of a record transmitted via Uart by a PIC18 into a PIC32. It went wrong because the internal structure of the record was different between the two PIC families.

Apparently also inside a variable alignment is taken into account.

In this article some observations and possible problems regarding this issue.

2021-06-13: Added another example: the Bootinfo used by the mE bootloaders to send information about the PIC to the PC USB HID bootloader tool.



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