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Author: Shawon Shahryiar
Last Updated: 2020-08-02
Package Version:
Category: Measurement
Downloaded: 312 times
Not followed.
License: Open Software License 3.0 (OSL-3.0)
Seven segment displays take up many GPIOs of a MCU. However, there are various techniques to reduce GPIO requirement. On such approach is to use shift registers like 75HC595 or 74HC164. Here a LCTech 74HC164 Dual Seven Segments Display driver is used with such a concept and the project here is a simple DS18B20-based max-min thermometer.
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1596354491_lctech_74hc164_d_mikroc_avr.rar [21.47KB] | mikroC PRO for AVR |
LCTech 74HC164 Dual Seven Segments Display Demo - Max-Min Thermometer
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