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Author: jm_palomino
Last Updated: 2022-12-30
Package Version:
Category: Measurement
Downloaded: 84 times
Not followed.
License: Free
I) I show you how to use the moduele ultrasonic hc-sr04 for the microcontroller atmega328p
II) This code is available for mikroC pro for avr and Atmel studio 7
III) be careful when you're buying avr microcontrollers because there are bad copies in the market and maybe doesn't work this code for these microcontrollers
1672365401_hc_sr04_atmega32_mikroc_avr.zip [1.24MB] | mikroC PRO for AVR |
I show you how to use the module display (7 seg) tm1637 with a microcontroller mc9s08se8cwl/crl(hcs08) I used code warrior to made this code and also I used processor expert.
[Learn More]This is an example of how to use the oled ssd1306 for psoc 5lp ( cy8c5888lti-lp097) This code was made in the psoc creator IDE.
[Learn More]I show you how to use the FM digital tuner TEA5767 witn MikroC Pro For PIC
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