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SH1106 (1.3") Oled I2C display just for texture (No Graphic)



Author: Leonardo Moretti

Last Updated: 2023-03-05

Package Version:

Category: Graphics & LCD

Downloaded: 105 times

Not followed.

License: MIT license  

Here the SH1106 Oled I2c for MikroC code. (not good for 0.96" oled display SSD1306 i2c)

If some one will share SH1106 Oled i2C graphic library version i will be gratefull thank you !

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Menù on LCD 16x2 managed by a Rotary encoder PIC16F88


Wrote using 16x2 LCD, rotatory Encoder and 16F88 Pic MCU. Clock frequency 4Mhz. Follow program menu work using a Rotative Encoder , the rotative Encoder CLK pin generate an Interrupt signal on RB0 PIC pin , and reconize is i turn on the left or Rigth this Rotative Encoder(compareing CLK and TD Signals).

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SH1106 (1.3 incs) 4pins I2C oled display Library + Main Ver.2.0 (TEXT + GRAPHIC)


SH1106 (1.3 incs) 4pins I2C oled display Library + Main Ver.1.0 (TEXT + GRAPHIC) 11.Apr.2023 Update Sh1607 display library, now number and letters are display fine. work 100% inside zip file there's display datasheet, PCB draw signal adapter for Toner PCB, PCB draw component side, schematic. 10.Apr.2023 library tested and working; the oled display works with logic levels of 3.3v (4v max.) otherwise it freezes. If you want to power the display with 5v you need an adapter PCB to convert the power and bus signals to 3.3v. PS: NOT for SSD1306 (0.95 incs) 4pins i2c oled display

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WTV020-SD-16P Cheper AD4 Sound Player Library using Pic 16F88 07/Feb/2016


UPDATE ON 07.02.2016 ------- WORK GOOD Definitive ---------- after collaboration with XmasPako, he help me to write MIKROBASIC Library. This CODE (Mikrobasic Pro)Drive the WTV-020-SD-16P to play the AD4 Audio File.

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