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Author: dany
Last Updated: 2023-05-08
Package Version:
Category: USB
Downloaded: 118 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
Converts PIC level Uart signals to USB in both directions. This project is meant for use with PC's that do not have an RS232 interface any more. It makes it possible to handle the pic uart signals with a PC without an RS232 interface.
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1683549652_tool__pic_uart_t_mikropascal_pic24.zip [51.80KB] | mikroPascal PRO for dsPIC30/33 & PIC24 |
Converts PIC level Uart signals to USB (VID=$3931, PID=$2222, Name='UART USB Interface') in both directions.
This project is meant for use with PC's that do not have an RS232 interface any more (so usage of a PIC level uart connection to RS232 cannot be used as before).
It takes the PIC level (5 or 3.3V) signals from a Uart port of a project under test (that uses of course Uart in/out for communication purposes, see e.g. https://libstock.mikroe.com/projects/view/5316/wifi-plus-click-http-client) and converts those into /from USB data which can be finally read/send by a PC application (e.g. the 'HID Terminal' tool of the MikroE compilers).
The used USB standard is HID (not CDC), because no special drivers are needed for this type. This also means that the outgoing Uart data can contain trailing zero's and the USB data to the PC can also contain trailing zero's (the number of sent/received bytes is always a multiple of 64). No filters are applied in either data direction.
The software runs on a P24FJGB002 with an 8 Mhz crystal.
Libraries used by it are:
- MikroE: 'Conversions', 'Peripheral_pin_Select', 'String' and 'Uart'
- Other: 'USB_HID_Library_P24' (https://libstock.mikroe.com/projects/view/71/usb-oa), 'BitUtils' (https://libstock.mikroe.com/projects/view/39/utilities) and 'Uart_Receiver_p24' (https://libstock.mikroe.com/projects/view/102/uart-buffered).