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Author: dany
Last Updated: 2023-05-18
Package Version:
Category: Storage
Downloaded: 62 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
The example shows how to use the FRAM click board without a development board. It is executed with a mini32 board instead.
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1684431770_fram_click_used__mikropascal_pic32.zip [4.13KB] | mikroPascal PRO for PIC32 |
2023-05-14: The example is derived from the MikroE example given with the Fram library and shows how to use the FRAM click board without the usage of a development board. It is executed with a mini32 board instead.
All mikrobus structures and necessary routines that the Fram library uses are copied in the 'MikroBus' unit. The only thing I hade to change here was the 'CS_1' pin definition: I had to use RD0 for that instead of RG9 because RG9 is not connected to the Mini32 board pin.
Furthermore the click board uses SPI2 and Uart1 is used as log output.