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My libraries 1 (more LCD, more Sw Uart)



Author: Istvan K

Last Updated: 2014-04-04

Package Version:

Category: Other Codes

Downloaded: 1685 times

Followed by: 2 users

License: MIT license  

They contain extremely simplified interface for
-- max 2 LCD (write-only 4bit mode, 6 pins),
-- max 2 LCD (using a HC595, 3 pins),
-- max 4 Sw-Uart (1, 2 or 3 pins, CTS handshake) .
Also some routines as Hex2out, Dec3out, CstrOut.
A separated library for using them via funcptr.

For now only for all PIC16 (PIC12). UPDATED.

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mikroC PRO for PIC
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Library Blog

17-04-2014: improved, expanded versions are uploaded  by me
(but this 'old' also works)
29-03-2013: UPDATED:

Attached also a demo Proteus project, using 7 terminals (see the picture).

-- Multi LCD library:

..  Added two new cursor positioning routine, which allows the use of various
..  4-line displays (as a 16x4 LCD to be addressed differently than the 20x4).
..  See the 2nd picture. The original Lcd_Library does not properly handle them.

..  My simple LcdX_GotoYX routine can still be used for any HD44780 compatible
..  2-line and 4-line LCD, but only in the top two rows.
..  Of course, the new routines also may be used for a two-line LCD.

-- Some minor optimization in all libraries to minimize the stack depth, the RAM usage ...

The example project and the documentation is also actualized.


13-03-2013: Initial release

Multi Display

Multi Display

A working Proteus simulation

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Two four-line LCD

Two four-line LCD

they are different in use (!!)

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Full LCD library set


Same way usable (uniformized) LCD libraries. 4- and 8-bit (and both with Busy-flag checking), 1-, 2- and 3-wire interface. Every library allows you to manage 4 LCD. For all 8-bit PIC (p16, p16e and p18).

[Learn More]

Multi-SwUart library


Updated Multi-SwUart library (v3.0). Same way usable (uniformized), as my new LCD libs. It allows you to handle 4 (four) independent software (bit-banging) Uart. Now also for all 8-bit PIC (pic12/16, pic12e/16e and pic18).

[Learn More]

LCD BarGraph library


Contains an all-in-one function which allows to create parameterized LCD bargraph(s). 8 variants, 'unlimited' width. For any pic12/16, pic12/16_enhanced and pic18.

[Learn More]