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DS1621 TEMP SENSOR using I2C with ATMEGA88



Author: Robert Underwood

Last Updated: 2011-08-21

Package Version:

Category: Measurement

Downloaded: 1010 times

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License: MIT license  

Demonstration project developed for the Dallas Maxim DS1621 Digital Thermometer and Thermostat. Project defines and explains as much as to help you along with your developement with this device.

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Project Blog

DALLAS MAXIM DS1621 Demo using an ATMEGA88 AVR

Demonstration project developed for the Dallas Maxim DS1621 Digital Thermometer and Thermostat. Project defines and explains as much as to help you along with your developement with this device.

Example of the Source Code showing COMMENTS

------------ CLIP ----------

// 0x90 = Address Default address when A0,A1,A2 pins are grounded = 1001000x = x=ReadCmd(1)/WriteCmd(0)
// 0xAC=Write to the Configuration/Status Register
// 0x00= bRRRRXXab - R=Readonly bits, XX=Reserved bits, ab=Programmable
// a=POL=0=Low(output pin is normally HIGH goes LOW on ALERT,
// b=1Shot=0 force Contnuous Temp Conversion
// 0xFF Buffer Byte = NUL, Not excuted

// 0x90 = Address Default address when A0,A1,A2 pins are grounded = 1001000x = x=ReadCmd(1)/WriteCmd(0)
// THCmd = 0xA1=HiTemp Access(TH) CMD
// THMSB = Stores 45° C HighTemp Value = 113°F MSB (Whole Value)
// THLSB = Stores 0° C HighTemp Value = 0°F LSB (Decimal Value)

// 0xA2=LoTemp Access(TL) CMD
// Stores 28° C HighTemp Value = 82°F MSB (Whole Value)
// Stores 0° C HighTemp Value = 0°F LSB (Decimal Value)

// Address Default address when A0,A1,A2 pins are grounded = 1001000x = x=ReadCmd(1)/WriteCmd(0)
// 0xEE=Initiates Temp Conversion process internally to the chip begin reading Temperatures.

Lcd_Init(); // Initialize LCD
Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CURSOR_OFF); // Cursor off
Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); // Clear display

---------------------------- CLIP -------------------


MLX90614 IR Infared Thermal Sensor using a ATMega16


This is a project which helps to convert the C-Code for the MLX90614 IR Infared Thermal Sensor by Melexis 'Microelectronic Integrated Systems' over to AVR PASCAL and too help explain some of the code and addresses.

[Learn More]