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CP Font Generator



Author: Aleksandar Vukelic

Last Updated: 2016-02-18

Package Version:

Category: TFT

Downloaded: 4205 times

Followed by: 6 users

License: MIT license  

This application creates font resources with non-ASCII characters from system fonts. The following code pages are supported: 1250 (Central Europe), 1251 (Cyrillic), 1252 (Latin I), 1253 (Greek), 1254 (Turkish), 1255 (Hebrew), 1256 (Arabic), 1257 (Baltic), 1258 (Vietnam) and 874 (Thai). It supports anti-aliased fonts and 2 output formats

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Project Blog

Since all of mE software is non-Unicode, it is not so easy to create TFT and GLCD applications for languages with non-ASCII character sets. Luckily, the operating system supports ASCII extensions called "Code Pages" which map the character codes 128-255 to the majority of other scripts. The following code pages are supported:

- 1250 (Central Europe)
- 1251 (Cyrillic)
- 1252 (Latin I)
- 1253 (Greek)
- 1254 (Turkish)
- 1255 (Hebrew)
- 1256 (Arabic)
- 1257 (Baltic)
- 1258 (Vietnam)
- 874 (Thai)

GLCD Font Creator is of great help when it comes to designing your own characters but it lacks automation, optimization speed and support for non-sequential character export. 

CP Font Generator is my humble attempt to correct these deficiencies. The idea started in an effort to help a Russian speaking user who wanted to use Cyrillic script in Visual TFT.

Before using the application, you should change the system locale (code page) to match the script you intend to use. This is done through Control Panel and detailed explanation can be found here.

In version 1.03 I added support for my own compressed font format called BitPack. CP Font Generator will create optimized character bitmaps 100x faster than GLCD Font Creator and generate up to 50% smaller code compared to Visual TFT or GLCD Font Creator. Library which supports BitPack font format can be downloaded here.

There are no instructions since the application is fairly easy to use. The code is generated for all MikroElektronika compilers.

Version history

v1.06 (2015-08-09)

- Added option to export font as resource data

v1.05 (2014-01-16)

- Added support for FT800 fonts

v1.04 (2013-10-02)

- Added support for anti-aliased fonts (2 bpp, 3 bpp and 4 bpp) in BitPack format

v1.03 (2013-09-18)

- Added support for compressed font format I named BitPack (up to 50% reduction in font code size)

v1.02 (2013-09-15)

- Added option to edit character bitmaps prior to exporting

v1.01 (2013-09-02)

- Fixed a run-time error caused by some code used for debugging on a local system
v1.00 (2013-09-01)

- Initial release  

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 1

Serbian Cyrillic script export

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Anti-aliased fonts

Anti-aliased fonts

Support for anti-aliased fonts (2 bpp, 3 bpp and 4 bpp)

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Screenshot 2

Screenshot 2

Exported code

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Screenshot 3

Screenshot 3

Cyrillic script in Visual TFT application (non-Unicode)

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Screenshot 4

Screenshot 4

Russian Cyrillic script on mikroMMB for PIC32

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CCB Tool


CCB Tool allows you to set PIC configuration bits in code.

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BitCalc is an extension of Quick Converter tool found in IDE for mikroElektronika compilers. Apart from numeric conversion, it provides access to bitwise operations along with graphical representation and interaction with bits. It should be of great help to beginners but even more experienced users could find it useful.

[Learn More]

BitPack Font Library


BitPack Font Library contains functions for rendering and measurement of character bitmaps in BitPack format. Fonts in this format can be created using Code Page Font Generator application also available at Libstock. Compared to Visual TFT and GLCD Font Creator, BitPack format saves up 50% of ROM space. It also supports anti-aliased fonts.

[Learn More]
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