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Author: Dane du Plooy
Last Updated: 2023-03-25
Package Version:
Category: GSM / GPRS
Downloaded: 16905 times
Followed by: 9 users
License: MIT license
GSM Library is designed to make interacting with a GSM module reliable and easy. The base library includes functions for detecting missed calls, working with the modules RTCC, reading IMEI, and entering SIM card pin.
Extensions are available for adding text messaging (SMS) and/or GPRS functionality (please see classic.dizzy.co.za/link.asp?l=gsm_lib).
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1492421986_gsm_library_mikroc_pic.mpkg [2.08MB] | mikroC PRO for PIC |
1478553790_gsm_library_mikrobasic_pic.mpkg [1.69MB] | mikroBasic PRO for PIC |
1478554149_gsm_library_mikropascal_pic.mpkg [1.64MB] | mikroPascal PRO for PIC |
1477346035_gsm_library_mikroc_dspic.mpkg [1.24MB] | mikroC PRO for dsPIC30/33 & PIC24 |
1477346257_gsm_library_mikroc_pic32.mpkg [1.41MB] | mikroC PRO for PIC32 |
1477346398_gsm_library_mikroc_arm.mpkg [1.73MB] | mikroC PRO for ARM |
GSM modules have made it easy for embedded developers to add hardware capable of connecting to cellular networks to their project. These GSM modules communicate via simple AT commands. Whilst the AT commands are easy to understand and use, writing reliable embedded code for interfacing using them can be challenging.
GSM Library has been designed to be easy to use, fast, and reliable - with fail-safes and retry mechanisms built in at every step. The base library provides the following functionality:
Extensions to the library, available from www.dizzy.co.za/link.asp?l=gsm_lib, can be used to add the following functionality: Text Messaging Extension
GPRS Extension (currently only available for SIMCom modules)
Full source-code for the base library is provided, so you are free to modify and extend the base library if and as you wish (including adding your own text-messaging / GPRS extensions if you like!). The library is currently packaged for mikroC Pro for PIC, mikroC Pro for PIC24/dsPIC, mikroC Pro for PIC32, and mikroC Pro for ARM as well as mikroBasic Pro for PIC and mikroPascal Pro for PIC. The library code is MCU independent however, and we will also port it to any of mikroE's other C, BASIC or Pascal compilers for PIC24/dsPIC / PIC32 / ARM / AVR / 8051 based on demand. Example programs are currently available for the following hardware setups: