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Author: Stevan Tosic
Last Updated: 2014-03-20
Package Version:
Category: Other Codes
Downloaded: 1017 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
State machine programming style and task functions are used to implement tasks running through their states. There are versions of code with or without timer interrupt (Multitasking.c and MultitaskingNoInterrupts.c). Code is portable to any uC.
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1395060241_simple_multitask_mikroc_pic.ZIP [53.89KB] | mikroC PRO for PIC |
Multitasking (Simple multitasks led blinking project):
PORTB (ouput):
1. Timers (F0, F1)
2. PWM (F2)
3. Traffic Lights (F5, F6, F7)
PORTC (input):
4. Tasks control for traffic lights (F0, F1) (start/stop)
* Description:
This is a simple multitasking project. It turns on/off LEDs connected to
PORTB driven by task and timer (with or without interrupt).
* Features:
- this is style of programming, not library
- tasks should not block program execution by waiting on event(s)
(state-machine and ticker function control task execution)
- processor independent (PORTABLE to any uC)
with BSP (Board Support Package - processor) implementation
- relative low memory consumption
- state-machine oriented
- cooperative
- BSP code are signed with bsp word
- there are no scheduler or queues