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I2C Library for Newhaven Display Serial LCD Modules



Author: Jim Walsh

Last Updated: 2017-05-02

Package Version:

Category: Graphics & LCD

Downloaded: 3054 times

Followed by: 2 users

License: MIT license  

A collection of functions that handle I2C communications with Newhaven Display's PIC16F690 controlled LCD modules (model numbers ending in '-V3').

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mikroC PRO for PIC
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Library Blog

These functions were designed to work with Newhaven Display's PIC16F690 controlled LCD modules.  They should work with any of the LCD's in the same series (model # ending in "-V3").

Changes in version 2.2

Made some minor code fixes to address issues that came up when programs using the library were compiled with the case-sensitive mode turned on.

Added 1 new function:
⦁   StringSize - Returns the size of a string in characters. Although primarily for internal use, this function can also be called by a program using the library  just like any of the other functions.


Library no longer has MikroE's C_String library as a dependency.   

Changes in version 2.1

Added 2 new functions:
⦁    LCD_Number_Out - Displays a number on the LCD at a given position
⦁    LCD_Number_Out_CP - Displays a number on the LCD at the current cursor position.

These functions take a number (long int) as the parameter and handle the processing needed to convert the number into characters that can be displayed on the LCD.

Changes in version 2.0
Fixed timing issue in the LCD_Brightness and LCD_Contrast functions that could cause characters to be dropped from the display
Fixed bug in LCD_Display_On function that could cause a letter 'A' to be added to the display when the function was called
Added 2 new functions:
⦁    LCD_Init  -  handles setting up the LCD and initializing the PIC I2C module
⦁    LCD_Change_I2C_Address - changes the I2C address of the LCD
Added a help file
There are now 2 constants that must be declared in your code for the library to work:
⦁    const unsigned short _I2C_ADDRESS   The I2C address of the LCD
⦁    const unsigned short _LCD_WIDTH     The column width of the LCD (usually 16 or 20)
The column parameter now starts with the first column being indicated as '1' instead of '0'
This change could possibly affect any existing code that uses these functions:
LCD_Line_Out        LCD_Chr_Out        LCD_Set_Pos


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