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Author: MIKROE
Last Updated: 2024-10-31
Package Version:
mikroSDK Library:
Category: Battery Charger
Downloaded: 49 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
Download [697.08KB]PMIC Click is a compact add-on board for efficient power management in rechargeable applications. This board features the nPM1300, an advanced Power Management Integrated Circuit (PMIC) from Nordic Semiconductor, offering integrated battery charging and advanced system power management features. The board includes an 800mA JEITA-compliant linear battery charger, two 200mA buck regulators, and configurable load switches, all housed in a compact QFN32 package.
[learn more]Author: MIKROE
Last Updated: 2024-10-31
Package Version:
mikroSDK Library:
Category: Battery Charger
Downloaded: 73 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
Download [488.42KB]Charger Click is a compact add-on board providing a standalone battery charger and monitor. This board features Microchip's MCP73831, a miniature single-cell, fully integrated Li-Ion, Li-Polymer charge management controller. The charge voltage of the MCP73831 is set to 4.20V, and a charge current to 250mA with an external resistor. In addition, this Click boardā¢ features the DS2438, a smart battery monitor that monitors the total amount of current going into and out of the battery.
[learn more]Author: MIKROE
Last Updated: 2024-10-31
Package Version:
mikroSDK Library:
Category: Battery Charger
Downloaded: 74 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
Download [569.73KB]Charger 27 Click is a compact add-on board that provides a single-cell charging solution. This board features the MP2639B, a Li-Ion or Li-Polymer switching charger from MPS. It is a highly integrated, flexible switch-mode battery charging management device for a single-cell battery for various portable applications. It uses a 4.5V up to 16V external input voltage to provide up to 2A of programmable charging current.
[learn more]Author: MIKROE
Last Updated: 2024-10-31
Package Version:
mikroSDK Library:
Category: Battery Charger
Downloaded: 100 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
Download [589.57KB]Charger 19 Click is a compact add-on board that contains a battery charger. This board features the nPM1100, an integrated power management IC from Nordic Semiconductor. It has a highly efficient DC/DC buck regulator with automatic selection between hysteretic and PWM modes.
[learn more]Author: MIKROE
Last Updated: 2024-10-31
Package Version:
mikroSDK Library:
Category: Battery Charger
Downloaded: 82 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
Download [496.24KB]Charger 26 Click is a compact add-on board that provides a single-cell charging solution. This board features the MAX1811, a USB-powered Li+ charger from Analog Devices. The charger uses an internal FET to deliver the battery up to 500mA charging current. It has pre-conditioning that soft-starts a near-dead battery cell before charging.
[learn more]Author: MIKROE
Last Updated: 2024-10-31
Package Version:
mikroSDK Library:
Category: Battery Charger
Downloaded: 177 times
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License: MIT license
Download [659.56KB]Charger 25 Click is a compact add-on board that contains a battery charger. This board features the BQ25792, a buck-boost battery charger with a dual-input selector, and a USB PD3.0 OTG output from Texas Instruments. It is fully integrated for 1-4 cell Li-Ion and Li-Polymer batteries. Designed specifically for USB applications, it also includes a Narrow voltage DC (NVDC) power path management in which the system is regulated at a voltage slightly higher than the battery voltage without being allowed to drop below the minimum system voltage.
[learn more]Author: MIKROE
Last Updated: 2024-10-31
Package Version:
mikroSDK Library:
Category: Battery Charger
Downloaded: 116 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
Download [543.13KB]Charger 17 Click is a compact add-on board that provides a single-cell battery charging solution. This board features the RT9471, a 3A single-cell switching battery charger from Richtek. It is a highly-integrated battery charge and system power-path management device for single-cell Li-Ion and Li-Polymer batteries. The high-efficiency 1.5MHz synchronous switch-mode buck charger achieves up to 92% charge efficiency at 2A with 5V input and 3.8V battery.
[learn more]Author: MIKROE
Last Updated: 2024-10-31
Package Version:
mikroSDK Library:
Category: Battery Charger
Downloaded: 130 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
Download [685.46KB]Solar Energy 2 Click is a compact add-on board that can recharge a battery by harvesting the solar power of the Sun or by other means. This board features the EM8500, a power management controller with an energy harvesting interface from EM Microelectronic. The controller is specifically designed for efficient harvesting over various DC sources such as photovoltaic (solar) or thermal electric generators (TEG). It can recharge the connected LiPo battery or supercapacitor (or even a conventional capacitor). In addition, the EM8500 can use the same battery as a power source for powering the connected system.
[learn more]Author: MIKROE
Last Updated: 2024-10-31
Package Version:
mikroSDK Library:
Category: Battery Charger
Downloaded: 114 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
Download [484.84KB]Charger 23 Click is a compact add-on board providing a single-cell battery charging solution. This board features the ISL78693, a single-cell Li-ion or Li-polymer battery charger from Renesas. The ISL78693 can operate with an input voltage as low as 2.6V and works as a linear charger with the battery charged in a Constant Current/Constant Voltage (CC/CV) profile. The charge current is selectable with an external resistor between 250 and 500mA. Additional features include the preconditioning of an over-discharged battery, an NTC thermistor interface for charging the battery in a safe temperature range, automatic recharge, and more.
[learn more]Author: MIKROE
Last Updated: 2024-10-31
Package Version:
mikroSDK Library:
Category: Battery Charger
Downloaded: 121 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
Download [419.82KB]BATT-MON 2 Click is a compact add-on board representing a battery monitoring solution. This board features the MAX17262, an ultra-low power I2C-configurable fuel-gauge IC which implements the ModelGaugeā¢ m5 algorithm from Analog Devices. The MAX17262 monitors a single-cell battery pack (best performance for batteries with 100mAhr to 6Ahr capacity), providing precision measurements of current, voltage, and temperature, and supporting internal current sensing for up to 3.1A pulse current. The battery pack's temperature is measured using an internal temperature sensor or external thermistor.
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