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Author: Serge Tremblay
Last Updated: 2017-01-11
Package Version:
Category: Internal MCU modules
Downloaded: 763 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
This is an example code using the CLC (Configurable Logic Cell) module available in newer PIC16F and PIC24F.
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1484099041_rotary_encoder_u_mikroc_pic.rar [134.51KB] | mikroC PRO for PIC |
This is inspired by TIP7 of the CLC Tip'n Tricks by Microchip http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/41631B.pdf The CLC was configured in MPLABX and the code is copied to mikroC compiler. I used PIC16F18877 on an EasyPIC v7 board, but any PIC can do as long as it gets 2 CLC available. The A and B output of the rotary encoder are send to RA0 and RA1. The push button is on INT pin configured at RA2. I used that kind of cheap encoder but any can be used. http://cdn3.volusion.com/rxsop.cexkq/v/vspfiles/photos/AD267-2.jpg?1462545819