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Author: Serge Tremblay
Last Updated: 2012-11-02
Package Version:
Category: Gaming and Fun
Downloaded: 914 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
This project show how to use progress bar as slider in Visual TFT.
A RGB led is connected to 3 PWM output and display the same color as the Sliders.
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1351898678_rgb_led_controll_mikroc_arm.zip [508.39KB] | mikroC PRO for ARM |
This project show how to use Progress Bar as Sliders.
Three Sliders (Red, Green and Blue) controls 3 PWM which are connected to a RGB Led.
I used a 10mm diffused RGB led bought on Ebay. It's a common anode one and it's connected to PD12, PD13 and PD14 with 3x 1Kohms resistor.
The picture is not very clear but the color of the led should match the color of the circle in the upper right side of the display.