TOP Contributors

  1. MIKROE (2693 codes)
  2. Alcides Ramos (362 codes)
  3. Shawon Shahryiar (307 codes)
  4. jm_palomino (112 codes)
  5. Bugz Bensce (90 codes)
  6. S P (73 codes)
  7. dany (71 codes)
  8. MikroBUS.NET Team (35 codes)
  9. NART SCHINACKOW (34 codes)
  10. Armstrong Subero (27 codes)

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  5. Network WiFi Library (42587 times)
  6. FT800 Library (41785 times)
  7. GSM click (29468 times)
  8. mikroSDK (27020 times)
  9. PID Library (26661 times)
  10. microSD click (25797 times)
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mikroSDK Library

UT-L 7-SEG R click



Author: MIKROE

Last Updated: 2018-06-14

Package Version:

mikroSDK Library:

Category: LED segment

Downloaded: 5039 times

Not followed.

License: MIT license  

UT-L 7-SEG R click carries two SMD ultra thin (3.1mm) LED 7-SEG displays and the MAX6969 constant-current LED driver from Maxim Integrated. The click is designed to run on either 3.3V or 5V power supply. It communicates with the target microcontroller over SPI interface.

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mikroSDK Library Blog

UT-L 7-SEG R click

UT-L 7-SEG R click

Native view of the UT-L 7-SEG R click board.

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