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Author: Ian Zacharowitz
Last Updated: 2019-08-28
Package Version:
Category: Storage
Downloaded: 461 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
demonstrates communication the SD_Card For FAT32 on the Smart MP3 Board
The program Initialises the SD_Card, makes a Test Directory, Makes a File ,
puts TEXT into the file,Closes the file, then reads the test in the file.
this can be monitored on usart terminal.
Also has neat way of saving ram
1566984215_fat32_sd_card_ex_mikroc_pic.rar [146.97KB] | mikroC PRO for PIC |
This example use mikrobasic to writes and reads the structure data in eeprom.
[Learn More]This project shows how to connect micro SD card (with FAT32 file system) to PIC18F46K22 in order to create folder and files. It also shows how to write to a text file. Using MikroElektronika FAT32 library.
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