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Example of MMC/SD Card Usage for MultiMedia PIC32MX7



Author: Val Gretchev

Last Updated: 2016-02-25

Package Version:


Category: Storage

Downloaded: 1673 times

Followed by: 1 user

License: MIT license  

This example uses the microE FAT32 library to implement remote file operations over the serial port.

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Example Blog

The accompanying program can be used to display SD card directory and download file contents. The files on the SD card must be properly formatted text files with carriage return and line feed characters. Click on SD Card, Get Dir to display the directory then double click on a file to select it. Then click on SD Card, Get File to display the file contents. Pressing the button "Generate SD Write Event" on the TFT display will write a line to a file on the SD card time stamping the press and release events. The file name is Year Month Day . TXT.


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