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mikroC ESP8266 NTP Clock



Author: Farrukh Hussain

Last Updated: 2020-01-16

Package Version:

Category: WiFi

Downloaded: 463 times

Not followed.

License: MIT license  

In this project, I connected PIC18F452 to an ESP8266 via UART, programmed ESP8266 separately via Arduino and PIC is programmmed via mikroC Pro for PIC, you can select any PICxx microcontroller, or even AVR or something else, whatever MCU is supported by mikroC, if microcontroller support UART, it should be good to go.

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mikroC PRO for PIC
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LCD connected to microcontroller display WiFi SSID, IP of esp8266 and time received from NTP server. If your selected microcontroller has small RAM, then consider smaller JSON packets. There is nothing specific to PIC, so you are free to use any mickroC compiler, just set appropriate LCD connections if you need LCD, otherwise juse remove LCD code, it is only for demonstration purpose. 

I wasn't able to find any JSON parser for mikroC, so I have written my own basic function to extract key value pairs from simple JSON formatted data. Please STOP using AT commands, that is waste of time and effort, program ESP8266 separately and then connect it to any microcontroller. 



here is demonstration of my esp8266 interfacing with PIC microcontroller.

Watch on YouTube


PIC16 esp8266 Adafruit IO -publish sensor data via MQTT


In this example, I demonstrated ESP8266 interfacing, how you can easily interface ESP8266 without AT commands, first i show interfacing with Arduino and then interfacing with a PIC microcontroller, PIC16 programmed in mikroC, there is nothing chip specific, so you are free to use any mikroC compiler and any supported microcontroller.

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