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Author: Farrukh Hussain
Last Updated: 2020-01-16
Package Version:
Category: WiFi
Downloaded: 607 times
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License: MIT license
In this example, I demonstrated ESP8266 interfacing, how you can easily interface ESP8266 without AT commands, first i show interfacing with Arduino and then interfacing with a PIC microcontroller, PIC16 programmed in mikroC, there is nothing chip specific, so you are free to use any mikroC compiler and any supported microcontroller.
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1579152979_pic16_esp8266_ad_mikroc_pic.zip [72.30KB] | mikroC PRO for PIC |
PIC16 code written in mikroC Pro For PIC, there is nothing chip specific, so you are free to use any microcontroller supported by mikroC compiler and also there is nothing specific to mikroC Pro for PIC, you are free to use any mikroC compiler.
I've demonstrated how you can do advance things are not not possible with AT commands, so you can program esp8266 separately and use JSON to communicate between ESP8266 and external microcontroller, JSON isn't must, but is a standard, you are free to define your own protocol.
PIC send send data and digital input state to ESP8266 via UART, ESP8266 then publish this data to Adafruit MQTT broker.
In this video, there is explanation for both both Arduino UNO and PIC interfacing, also I've tested with both ESP-01 and nodemcu.
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