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  10. Armstrong Subero (27 codes)

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PIC32MZ EF Osc Calc



Author: VCC

Last Updated: 2021-03-16

Package Version:

Category: Internal MCU modules

Downloaded: 152 times

Not followed.

License: MIT license  

This is a calculator for PIC32MZ EF oscillator frequencies.

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Main window

Main window

Frequencies are calculated when pressing the "Calculate" button, or when changing a combobox option.

View full image

The package contains two Windows executables and a Linux one.

  - entered settings are saved to ini file when closing the application
  - some of the entered settings are validated and will cause various editboxes to be colored differently, to indicate an out of range value

  - not all settings are validated
  - not all setting were tested in hardware
  - because of space limitations, editbox font is smaller than the schematic font

Known issues:
  - depending on desktop theme, some of the components may partially overlap


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