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Author: janni
Last Updated: 2021-04-22
Package Version:
Category: GLCD
Downloaded: 3071 times
Followed by: 7 users
License: MIT license
uGLCD is a quite extensive library optimised for PIC18 processors. It may work with different GLCD types with screen memory organised in horizontal 'pages' (8 pixels high), like those with KS107/8, ST7565R, or uC1701 controllers. Thanks to the ability to draw on virtual screen, the library may be used with write-only displays.
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1619124938_uglcd_library_op_mikropascal_pic.rar [1.55MB] | mikroPascal PRO for PIC |
1619125211_uglcd_library_op_mikrobasic_pic.rar [1.62MB] | mikroBasic PRO for PIC |
1619125444_uglcd_library_op_mikroc_pic.rar [1.56MB] | mikroC PRO for PIC |
Library description
uGLCD is a rather extensive library optimised for PIC18 processors. It may work with different GLCD types with screen memory organised in horizontal 'pages' (8 pixels high), like those with KS107/8, ST7565R, or uC1701 controllers, to name only those it was tested with. Thanks to the ability to draw on virtual screen, the library may be used with write-only displays.
Basic properties:
- both text and graphics may be drawn anywhere on the screen,
- ability to draw on virtual screen placed in RAM,
- 'packed' bitmap format implemented saving ROM space,
- clipping rectangle for most graphical functions,
- routines for copying whole, or part of the screen from GLCD to RAM and back,
- routines for icon drawing (icons from RAM or ROM), inverting, and horizontal shifting,
- both fixed-width and variable-width fonts of any size (created, for example with GLCD Font Creator) may be used,
- increased speed performance over the standard lib, especially visible for higher clock frequencies,
- hardware-dependent part is separate and may be modified to fit particular GLCD controller.
Main (precompiled) library is separate from hardware dependent part. The latter contains all low-level functions for communication with specific GLCD. It is therefore possible to write/modify it for specific GLCD controller and its communication interface. The library draws text and graphics on GLCD screen using coordinates x (0..GLCDmaxX) and y (0..GLCDmaxY), where (0,0) corresponds to left-top display corner, and GLCDmaxX, GLCDmaxY are constants declared in the hardware-dependent library part.
Two programs for PC (Bitmap2Array, uGLCDfonts) are included in the archive. First one allows to convert screen or icon bitmaps to constant arrays with a possibility of compression to save memory. Second one modifies font files prepared with mE's GLCD Font Creator to a format used by uGLCD library.
Library installation
uGLCD library and fonts library are packed into installation files using Package Manager, so their installation/deinstallation is straightforward with the same program. Just follow the instructions from Help of Package Manager, and the libraries will be installed in Packages subdirectory of compiler installation directory and available for those PIC18 processors that you chose during installation (naturally, one may choose all PIC18s). Elements of the library (main lib, hardware units, and fonts) will be visible in the Library Manager for every chosen processor. Work with the library follows the same rules as with other libraries.
06.07.2014 - Help file has been modified to make full use of conextual help that started working with version 6.40 of compilers. A double-click on an uGLCD routine in Library Manager opens now the library help file at appropriate topic.