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Visual TFT/GLCD Project

Andrew Hazelden's Mikromedia Stereo3D Viewer



Author: Andrew Hazelden

Last Updated: 2012-12-03

Package Version:

Category: Gaming and Fun

Downloaded: 922 times

Not followed.

License: MIT license  

This is a simple example that shows a stereo image on a pair of mikromedia PIC32 boards. If you tap the displays you can switch between parallel vs crosseyed stereo views. The included stereo 3D image is of a carved piece of scrimshaw.

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Visual TFT/GLCD Project Blog

This is a simple example that shows a stereo image on a pair of Mikromedia PIC32 boards. If you tap the displays you can switch between parallel vs crosseyed views. The included stereo 3D image is of a carved piece of scrimshaw.

The demo was designed to work with either cross-eyed free viewing techniques or parallel viewing techniques with a set of parallel stereo 3D glasses Loreo Lite 3D viewer.

Present Stereo 3D image pairs on your Mikromedia Boards

Present Stereo 3D image pairs on your Mikromedia Boards

You can display full color stereo 3D image pairs on your Mikromedia boards. This simple example show how you can flip between cross-eyed mode or parallel viewing display modes.

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The Mikromedia screens do a nice job of showing stereo 3D images.

The Mikromedia screens do a nice job of showing stereo 3D images.

Using a pair of Mikromedia displays is a quick way to view stereoscopic 3D images. The displays are the perfect size to use with a folding pocket sized Loreo Lite 3D viewer.

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These are the left and right screen views for the stereo pairs in VisualTFT

These are the left and right screen views for the stereo pairs in VisualTFT

I created two screen views in VisualTFT for showing the stereoscopic image pairs. This makes it easy to switch between left and right images.

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With only 6 lines of code you can switch between showing parallel or crosseyed stereo images on the Mikromedia displays!

// Event Handlers

void rightImageOnUp() {

void leftImageOnUp() {


  1. Install the HEX Firmware

    If you have a PIC32 Mikromedia board flash the firmware file Install/PIC32/Stereo3D.hex to a pair of Mikromedia PIC32 boards.

    If you have a dsPIC33 Mikromedia board flash the firmware file Install/dsPIC33/Stereo3D.hex to a pair of Mikromedia dsPIC33 boards.

  2. Copy the VisualTFT Stereo3D.RES resource file to the microSD card in each of the two Mikromedia boards.

  3. Get ready to try out the stereo pair image viewer. Tap the Mikromedia display to switch between the right or left stereo pair image views.

Library Details

Open Source Software License:

New BSD License

Compatible Software

mikroC PRO for PIC32

mikroC PRO for dsPIC


Hardware Required

Compatible Development Boards

MikroMMB for PIC32 or MikroMMB for dsPIC33


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