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Visual TFT/GLCD Project

Fireworks for Mikromedia PIC32



Author: Andrew Hazelden

Last Updated: 2013-06-25

Package Version:

Category: Gaming and Fun

Downloaded: 758 times

Not followed.

License: MIT license  

The fireworks example creates an animated fireworks show on the Mikromedia PIC32 development board. The fireworks firmware demonstrates a way to use the VisualTFT resource collection feature to create movies. The code was written using VisualTFT and MikroC Pro for PIC32.

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Visual TFT/GLCD Project Blog

Watch a Fireworks Show on Your Mikromedia

The Fireworks firmware lets you watch a fireworks show on your Mikromedia PIC32 Board.

Watch on YouTube
Celebrate any Occasion With Fireworks

Celebrate any Occasion With Fireworks

The fireworks firmware lets you celebrate any occasion with style.

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Fireworks on Your Schedule

Fireworks on Your Schedule

Enjoy a colorful fireworks show on your own schedule.

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1. Install Firmware: Flash the fireworks.hex firmware file to your Mikromedia PIC32 board.

2. Install resource file: Copy the resource file fireworks.RES to the root folder of your Mikromedia board's Micro-SD memory card.

3. Enjoy the excitement of an animated fireworks show on your Mikromedia PIC32 screen.

Mikromedia Image Sequence Tips:
When creating an image sequence for use with VisualTFT use the file naming convention of image###.bmp   

eg. image000.bmp to image60.bmp

The images should be loaded in Visual TFT using the resource collection icon in the toolbar. Save the images to an external VisualTFT resource file.  

The fireworks_image_sequence.h header file creates the pointer array named "animated_fire" that holds the names of each of the frames in the image sequence.

I looked in the file fireworks_resources.h to find out the names that VisualTFT / MikroC used for each BMP frame in the animation.

When VisualTFT saves an external image resource to the .res file it writes the images pointer address for the image fireworks00.bmp in the resource.h file as:
#define fireworks00_bmp 0x0000070F

If you are creating a pointer array for the images keep in mind that C code arrays start at index position 0. This also means you have to be careful of off by one errors when looping the animation.

eg. The first frame in the array begins at animated_fire[0] and image number 60 is located at animated_fire[59].

There are two ways you can create an animation using MikroC and the TFT Library. You could either use the external TFT image drawing function:
TFT_EXT_Image(0, 0, animated_fire[current_frame], 1);

or your could use the VisualTFT centric workflow of swapping the current image in the picture name attribute. In the events_code.c file you could have a button press that causes an image to be animated.

eg. If you have a VisualTFT image on the current screen named "fireworks" you could swap the picture using:

void fireworksOnPress() {
  fireworks.Picture_Name = animated_fire[current_frame];


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