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Author: VCC
Last Updated: 2024-03-31
Package Version:
Category: Other Codes
Downloaded: 802 times
Followed by: 3 users
License: MIT license
Build Version Generator is a tool, which generates code, containing version number and current build date of a mikroPascal / mikroBasic / mikroC project. It is run as a compiler IDE tool.
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1711910628_build_version_ge_other_other.zip [380.61KB] | Other Compiler |
- It is started from a mikro compiler as a tool
- Saves project version in a separate file, as a library
- Generates version formatted as one, two, three or four numbers separated by user-specified separators
- In addition to numbers, a version string can contain user defined strings
- Build number can be autoincremented as an option
- In adition to saving version as a string, individual numbers are saved as integers (8/16/32-bit, un/signed)
- Build date and time are saved both as string and individual numbers
- Date string can have one of three separators "/", "." and " " and four formats of YYYY MM DD
- The application closes automatically after being started, waiting a specified time
- The generated library, containing version constants, is automatically saved when closing the application
- Except the autoclose timer constant, all options are saved in separate settings files
Requirements / Recommendations:
- The application must be run with "%HEX_FILE_NAME" parameter from compiler's IDE, including quotes.
- An IDE bug deletes the quotes from HEX_FILE_NAME parameter, so there must be two parameters, which are correctly saved: "%HEX_FILE_NAME" %HEX_FILE_NAME The second one has no quotes and is ignored by the application.
- Keeps track of only project version, not of individual sources.
- Since application options are saved in separate files (per project), settings revert to default on new projects. Thus, users have to configure settings for every new project.
Version string can be composed of one to four version numbers, with user-defined separators, a pre-text and a post-text.
View full imageAs command line parameters, users should fill in: "%HEX_FILE_NAME" %HEX_FILE_NAME
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