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Author: VCC
Last Updated: 2016-02-18
Package Version:
Category: Communication
Downloaded: 1122 times
Followed by: 3 users
License: MIT license
This library provides a fixed-size FIFO to an application. Users can set the FIFO depth and width. There are also three examples for mikroPascal PRO for PIC, dsPIC/PIC24 and PIC32. Each example implements a USB CDC device and a PC application sends commands to PIC for adding/reading items to/from FIFO.
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1392634023_fixedfifo_mikropascal_other.rar [891.59KB] |
1392634314_fixedfifo_mikropascal_pic.rar [292.43KB] | mikroPascal PRO for PIC |
1392634359_fixedfifo_mikropascal_dspic.rar [326.07KB] | mikroPascal PRO for dsPIC30/33 & PIC24 |
1392634423_fixedfifo_mikropascal_pic32.rar [344.81KB] | mikroPascal PRO for PIC32 |
- Fixed width and fixed depth
- Width and depth are user defined as constants
- FIFO size is limited only by processor architecture and available memory
- Code can be further optimized for small processors or reduced memory
- Items can be added to FIFO from one thread and read from another thread
- Uses static memory allocation
- Compiler directive for FIFO event handlers (e.g. FIFOFull, FIFOEmpty, OnAdd, OnRemove etc)
Requirements / Recommendations:
- If using interrupts to add/read items to/from FIFO, the event handlers can be used to temporarily switch off interrupts in order to avoid reentrancy or calling adding/reading FIFOs while executing one of them.
- Does not allow reentrancy