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Author: Istvan K
Last Updated: 2014-04-17
Package Version:
Category: Communication
Downloaded: 778 times
Followed by: 1 user
License: MIT license
Updated Multi-SwUart library (v3.0). Same way usable (uniformized), as my new LCD libs. It allows you to handle 4 (four) independent software (bit-banging) Uart. Now also for all 8-bit PIC (pic12/16, pic12e/16e and pic18).
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1397743757_multi_swuart_lib_mikroc_pic.rar [66.38KB] | mikroC PRO for PIC |
This is a newest member of my new, same way usable (uniformized) library collection
(the already published parts are the "LCD Bargraph", "PS2 Keyboard Simulator", "Common outputs"
and the "Full LCD" libraries).
SwUart library v3.0: improved, expanded but almost full downward compatible version.
Allows you to handle 4 independent software (bit-banging) Uart.
Now also for all 8-bit PIC (pic12/16, pic12e/16e and pic18), so it is three different library
("p*_SwUart-4.mcl" file), in accordance of the three different PIC family; p* = p16, p16e or p18.
The library contains 5 'fundamental' functions for the four (0...3) sw Uart:
InitW - InitT - Write - ReadW - ReadT (now also 'zero' char too !!)
using the specific prefix "SUartX_", where X = 0...3
In addition, it contains the 12 'common output' functions for the "SUart0":
CstrOut - CstrNout - RstrOut - RstrNout - Hex2out - Hex4out
BcdOut - Dec2out - Dec2out_J - Dec3out_J - Dec4out_J - Dec5out_J
Detailed description in the "SWUART_DOC.H". A demo project is also included.
Istvan K.