We strongly encourage users to use Package manager for sharing their code on Libstock website, because it boosts your efficiency and leaves the end user with no room for error. [more info]
Author: MIKROE
Last Updated: 2016-10-14
Package Version:
Category: WiFi
Downloaded: 43219 times
Followed by: 19 users
License: MIT license
Download [17.79MB]The Network_WiFi library simplifies usage of the SPWF01S, MCW1001A and CC3000 wireless network module through plenty of library routines.
[learn more]Author: Wilson A. Gan Cuba
Last Updated: 2013-08-10
Package Version:
Category: WiFi
Downloaded: 1188 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
Download [694.61KB]This project features the first WebGL (Web graphics library) electronic control in the world using the Three.js library and a PIC microcontroller interfaced with a Triac. Release date: 08/03/2013
[learn more]Author: Wilson A. Gan Cuba
Last Updated: 2013-07-20
Package Version:
Category: WiFi
Downloaded: 1086 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
Download [248.68KB]This project is similar in functionality to the original Ajax WIFI HTTP demo with ROM storage, but has been modified in several aspects to make the web page files be stored and served from a microSD card.
Release date: May, 07 2013.
Author: Wilson A. Gan Cuba
Last Updated: 2013-05-06
Package Version:
Category: WiFi
Downloaded: 1062 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
Download [139.95KB]The first two examples in the world to demonstrate how to load a WEBGL animation using a PIC microcontroller.
Release date: April, 28 2013
Author: Wilson A. Gan Cuba
Last Updated: 2013-05-07
Package Version:
Category: WiFi
Downloaded: 1621 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
Download [29.51KB]Feel the power of Ajax.
Take a look to the EXAMPLE BLOG, you'll find there a video demonstrating, how it works.
Also as this was mostly JavaScript programming, adapting the code to other compilers should not be too difficult task.
Release date: April, 08 2013
Author: Wilson A. Gan Cuba
Last Updated: 2013-04-28
Package Version:
Category: WiFi
Downloaded: 802 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
Download [275.17KB]Simple example to demonstrate how an image (or probably almost any binary file) can be encoded in base64 format and loaded into the PIC ROM as long as the ROM space allows it.
[learn more]Author: Wilson A. Gan Cuba
Last Updated: 2013-04-28
Package Version:
Category: WiFi
Downloaded: 837 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
Download [163.10KB]The purpose of this project is to demonstrate in a simplified manner, how add multiple files to Mikroelektronika's WIFI HTTP demo, which will be stored in the PIC ROM but could be requested through the main web page as external files, all to be included in the same web page.
[learn more]Author: Wilson A. Gan Cuba
Last Updated: 2013-04-27
Package Version:
Category: WiFi
Downloaded: 1000 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
Download [83.19KB]The intent of this example is to show how to merge the mikroElektronica's wifi http demo with the microSD demo so that the web page can grow bigger due to the ROM space of the MCU can be saved utilizing the microSD as storage of external files.
[learn more]Author: Wilson A. Gan Cuba
Last Updated: 2013-04-28
Package Version:
Category: WiFi
Downloaded: 934 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
Download [2.90MB]This projects shows how to read a multimedia file from a microSD an load it into a web page.
[learn more]Author: Val Gretchev
Last Updated: 2013-04-13
Package Version:
Category: WiFi
Downloaded: 630 times
Not followed.
License: MIT license
Download [3.87MB]This project shows how to give a multi-media board wireless access to an Internet router and implements a simple UDP server/client communications protocol.
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