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Interrupt Driven State Machine MP3 Player for Smart MP3-Board



Author: Dick Berry

Last Updated: 2016-02-18

Package Version:


Category: Audio & Speech

Downloaded: 771 times

Followed by: 1 user

License: MIT license  

This is a real time state machine that plays MP-3 files from the SD Card using the Smart-MP3 board. Now I can service the GLCD and Touch Panel while playing Audio Files. I've included the five songs I tested with. Just copy them to your SD Card.

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Example Blog

I wanted audio in my Camper Light Project but didn't want to give up Touch Panel functions while playing a MP3 file. So I modified the Example for the Smart-MP3 board to make it a State Machine rune during a Timer 0 Interrupt. The Interrupt comes at 250 ms intervals and the state machine uses about 100 ms of that time, so I got better than 50% of the CPU time back for GLCD and TP processing. I needed to up the processor to a 18F46K22 for this project because the MP3 and GLCD use a lot of memory. I also run it at 64 Mhz to keep the eight bit controller from dragging the screens out. A shout out to MikroElektronica  for the example program which spelled out the requirements for the VS1053b. It will run at 32 Mhz on a 18F45K22 but the music will be choppy. You'll recognize it but don't try to dance ;-)


I'll be using this in my Camper Light Project along with a Speak-Up board.

I'll attach a picture of the scope showing timing, look for the PortA.0 twiddleing in the Interrupt routine to make sence of it.

Thanks for looking


Picture of the &quot;O&quot; Scope showing timing

Picture of the "O" Scope showing timing

This is the start to finish timing in the Interrupt routine.

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I intregrated this into my Camper Light Project and got many Re-Entry conflicts. They were unresolvable because they were calls in the Libraries. A serch here led me to the Legacy Mcm Libraries. After installing them and changeing the calls in my SD Card access software all was well. Thanks again to MikroElektronica for leaving them on LibStock. In addition to working fine they use less resources. Thank goodness I only needed to read from the card.   Dick

While Normalizing the Volume levels of the MP3 files I tried an experiment and re-sampled them at 8000bps. The music wasn't any different but the time in the Interrupt routine went from100ms to 20ms to 30ms. This meant I could change the Interrupt timing to 500ms. Now I'm spending only 4.45% of the time in the MP3 server. The Touch Panel and GLCD is much more responsive. Here is a picture from my new OWON VDS3102 "O" Scope. If you can afford one it's really worth the money.

Thanks Dick

Scop Picture of Interrupt Timing # 2

Scop Picture of Interrupt Timing # 2

After re-sampling the MP3 files at 8000bps. Explanation in the picture lower right corner.

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Camper Light Control Project Update


This is the mid point of this project. The Light Control is working with Blue Tooth Coms between the head end and the light controller. The VGLCD code is working the touch panel to turn on and off lights. I will be adding Voice Control using the Speak-Up and Smart_MP3 modules in the near future. Enjoy New Version, more functionally. Dick

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Saving Glcd Calibration Data in internl EEPROM


Calibrate the Touch Panel (only if required) with saved data that is check summed. Displays Cal Data and EEPROM Data on GLCD PIC 18F46K22

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Sorting out the Logarithmic Scale for the Volume Control for SMART_MP3 Click


Here is a spreadsheet with the volume control numbers for a 0 to 11 scale translated to the 0 - 255 controls of the Smart_MP3. It's a simple LOG10 scale but that approximates the true LOG scale close enough.

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