TOP Contributors

  1. MIKROE (2779 codes)
  2. Alcides Ramos (376 codes)
  3. Shawon Shahryiar (307 codes)
  4. jm_palomino (118 codes)
  5. Bugz Bensce (97 codes)
  6. S P (73 codes)
  7. dany (71 codes)
  8. MikroBUS.NET Team (35 codes)
  9. NART SCHINACKOW (34 codes)
  10. Armstrong Subero (27 codes)

Most Downloaded

  1. Timer Calculator (139566 times)
  2. FAT32 Library (72041 times)
  3. Network Ethernet Library (57255 times)
  4. USB Device Library (47615 times)
  5. Network WiFi Library (43219 times)
  6. FT800 Library (42566 times)
  7. GSM click (29930 times)
  8. mikroSDK (28292 times)
  9. PID Library (26933 times)
  10. microSD click (26309 times)
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EnOcean Click



Author: MIKROE

Last Updated: 2017-02-15

Package Version:


Category: Sub-1 GHz Transceivers

Downloaded: 812 times

Followed by: 1 user

License: MIT license  

EnOcean click carries a TCM310 transceiver, which is a bidirectional gateway for EnOcean’s 868 MHz radio systems. The click is designed to run on a 3.3V power supply. It communicates with the target MCU through UART (TX, RX pins), with additional functionality provided by RST and EN pins.

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  • mikroSDK Library
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mikroC PRO for PIC32
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