TOP Contributors

  1. MIKROE (2784 codes)
  2. Alcides Ramos (387 codes)
  3. Shawon Shahryiar (307 codes)
  4. jm_palomino (120 codes)
  5. Bugz Bensce (97 codes)
  6. S P (73 codes)
  7. dany (71 codes)
  8. MikroBUS.NET Team (35 codes)
  9. NART SCHINACKOW (34 codes)
  10. Armstrong Subero (27 codes)

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  7. GSM click (30140 times)
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  10. microSD click (26552 times)
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mikroSDK Library

RNG Click



Author: MIKROE

Last Updated: 2024-10-31

Package Version:

mikroSDK Library:

Category: Encryption

Downloaded: 279 times

Not followed.

License: MIT license  

RNG Click is a random number generator (RNG) is a device that generates a sequence of numbers or symbols that cannot be reasonably predicted better than by a random chance. This Click board™ is true hardware random-number generator (HRNG), which generate genuinely random numbers.

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mikroSDK Library Blog

RNG Click

RNG Click is a random number generator (RNG) is a device that generates a sequence of numbers or symbols that cannot be reasonably predicted better than by a random chance. This Click board™ is true hardware random-number generator (HRNG), which generate genuinely random numbers.


Click Product page

Click library

  • Author : MikroE Team
  • Date : jun 2020.
  • Type : I2C type

Software Support

We provide a library for the Rng Click as well as a demo application (example), developed using MikroElektronika compilers. The demo can run on all the main MikroElektronika development boards.

Package can be downloaded/installed directly form compilers IDE(recommended way), or downloaded from our LibStock, or found on mikroE github account.

Library Description

This library contains API for Rng Click driver.

Standard key functions :

  • Config Object Initialization function.

    void rng_cfg_setup ( rng_cfg_t *cfg );

  • Initialization function.

    RNG_RETVAL rng_init ( rng_t ctx, rng_cfg_t cfg );

  • Click Default Configuration function.

    void rng_default_cfg ( rng_t *ctx );

Example key functions :

  • This function gets voltage in millivolts.

    float rng_get_voltage ( rng_t *ctx );

  • This function sets configuration.

    void rng_set_config ( rng_t *ctx, uint16_t conf_data );

  • This function sets desired vref.

    void rng_set_vref ( rng_t *ctx, uint16_t vref_mv );

Examples Description

This Click is a random number generator. The device contain potentiometer which control voltage so it generates a sequence of numbers or symbols that cannot be reasonably predicted better by a random chance. Random number generators have applications in gambling, statistical sampling, computer simulation, cryptography, completely randomized design, and various other areas.

The demo application is composed of two sections :

Application Init

Initializes driver, then sets configuration and voltage reference.

void application_init ( void )
    log_cfg_t log_cfg;
    rng_cfg_t cfg;

     * Logger initialization.
     * Default baud rate: 115200
     * Default log level: LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG
     * @note If USB_UART_RX and USB_UART_TX 
     * are defined as HAL_PIN_NC, you will 
     * need to define them manually for log to work. 
     * See @b LOG_MAP_USB_UART macro definition for detailed explanation.
    LOG_MAP_USB_UART( log_cfg );
    log_init( &logger, &log_cfg );
    log_info( &logger, "---- Application Init ----" );

    //  Click initialization.

    rng_cfg_setup( &cfg );
    rng_init( &rng, &cfg );

    rng_default_cfg( &rng );

Application Task

It reads ADC value from AIN0 channel then converts it to voltage and displays the result on USB UART each second.

void application_task ( void )
    float voltage;

    voltage = rng_get_voltage( &rng );

    log_printf( &logger, "Voltage from AIN0: %.2f mV\r\n", voltage );
    log_printf( &logger, "-----------------------\r\n" );
    Delay_ms ( 1000 );

The full application code, and ready to use projects can be installed directly form compilers IDE(recommneded) or found on LibStock page or mikroE GitHub accaunt.

Other mikroE Libraries used in the example:

  • MikroSDK.Board
  • MikroSDK.Log
  • Click.Rng

Additional notes and informations

Depending on the development board you are using, you may need USB UART Click, USB UART 2 Click or RS232 Click to connect to your PC, for development systems with no UART to USB interface available on the board. The terminal available in all Mikroelektronika compilers, or any other terminal application of your choice, can be used to read the message.


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